

  • Gilsimar Francisco de Souza ULBRA
  • Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA




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Several countries have been identifying the importance of including in their curriculum processes and means for the development of skills and abilities towards Computational Thinking (CT). Thus, many researches in this area emerged due to its importance in the world scenario. This work aims, therefore, to understand in which countries these researches are taking place and what are the tools used by these studies in the application of CT in teaching. The methodology used was a systematic literature review having as the bias the PRISMA- Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses proposal, in which some steps must be followed, such as defining the problem and performing a database search. In this case, the step by step was consulting internationally published articles, selecting the corpus from the researched database, analysing this corpus and then present the results. Thus, the results show that research publications on CT applied to education are higher in the USA, but several countries such as Finland, Denmark and India also have extensive research in this area. Another finding was that many instruments are used by researchers to achieve their results, such as artificial intelligence, robotics, augmented reality (AR) and the creation of games and electronic kits. Finally, it is clear that countries are investing in this research due to the great scope that technology should reach in the coming years. As an example, the 5G internet is mentioned, which will interconnect all areas of life in society, which will require knowledge about CT to solve the problems of the future as well as its demands.

Author Biography

Paulo Tadeu Campos Lopes, Universidade Luterana do Brasil - ULBRA

Licenciado em Ciências Biológicas pela PUCRS (1991), Mestre em Microbiologia Agrícola e do Ambiente pela UFRGS (1994) e Doutor em Fitotecnia pela UFRGS (1999). Atualmente é professor adjunto V da Universidade Luterana do Brasil-ULBRA, atuando como professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e Matemática e nos cursos de graduação em Biomedicina e Educação Física. Na ULBRA, atuou como Coordenador de Pesquisa do Centro Universitário Luterano de Santarém, Coordenador Geral de Pesquisa para as unidades do centro-oeste e do norte, Coordenador da Comissão de Ética no Uso de Animais e Coordenador do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos. Líder do Grupo de Pesquisa cadastrado no CNPq: Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação no Ensino. Tem experiência na área de Ciências atuando, principalmente, em inclusão digital, metodologias ativas no ensino e recursos digitais no ensino

How to Cite

Francisco de Souza, G., & Tadeu Campos Lopes, P. (2023). APLICAÇÃO DO PENSAMENTO COMPUTACIONAL NO ENSINO, UMA REVISÃO SISTEMÁTICA DE LITERATURA. Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 12(1), 144–165. https://doi.org/10.17564/2316-3828.2023v12n1p144-165