The emancipatory process of the individual in the professional technical education in the eye of art and the conception of the creative thinking



  • Claudia de Medeiros Lima Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de sergipe


Emancipation, Creative Thought, Professional technical education




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This article proposes a discussion about the importance of creative thinking in the construction of the emancipation of students from the professional technical education, through the rancieriano thought. The content analysis in the qualitative approach adopts the bibliographic and documentary research to investigate the given subject. The text begins by presenting a brief historical description about the technical professional education and its commitment to the formation of the poor, linked to economic development and its need for manpower. A discussion about the emancipation is followed, based on the thought of Jacques Rancière on equality as a starting point, highlighting the individual power and the intelligences disassociated from hierarchical relationships about general knowledge. It could be seen an attempt to get close to the thought of Gilles Deleuze and the artistic look of Pablo Picasso to understand the process of emancipation of the individual, understood in the complexity of the thinking process, and the creation, as a transforming tool, who does not want to subject himself to anyone, nor having anyone subjected to himself, in a relationship of freedom. Freedom of expression and interpretation, of being able to establish concepts and invent new truths, new realities. The research points to the importance of the teacher in the process of the student’s emancipation, in order to arouse the will to power, but the emancipation process itself belongs to the individual. The intellectual revolution refers to the overcoming of oneself, in a relation between the thoughts and creativity.

Author Biography

Claudia de Medeiros Lima, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de sergipe

Aluna especial do Mestrado em Educação da Universidade Tiradentes. Especialista em Psicopedagogia Pedagoga do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe e Membro do Grupo de Pesquisa Economia e Desenvolvimento na linha de pesquisa Educação e Desenvolvimento (CNPq/IFS).

How to Cite

Lima, C. de M. (2012). The emancipatory process of the individual in the professional technical education in the eye of art and the conception of the creative thinking. Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 1(1), 21–32.