What do teachers do with policies?
Critical, feminist and antiracist interpretations to an in-serevice training policy
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From a critical and feminist perspective of educational studies, this article analyzes an educational project developed through an in-service education policy. Out of the three contexts of the Policy Cycle, we focused on the context of practice, since it is in this context that the policy is interpreted and recreated by different subjects or institutions. In the Saberes em Diálogo (Knowledge in Dialogue) policy, an initiative from the Municipal Education Secretariat of Canoas, RS, in partnership with La Salle University, we identified a group of teachers developing an interdisciplinary project of critical, feminist and anti-racist education. Using the theoretical-methodological tool of relational analysis, we documented and analyzed the project “Estrelas Além do Tempo” (Hidden Figures) and its characteristics as a transforming practice and its manifestation as a reflection of the principles of horizontality and flexibility of the policy.