A brief psychological understanding on the emotional inconsistencies in the pregnancy and motherhood




  • Albano Goes Souza Universidade Tiradentes
  • Edson Victor Lima Mendonça Universidade Tiradentes
  • Ronaldo Nunes Linhares Universidade Tiradentes


Emotions, Pregnancy, motherhood




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This paper aims to present a psychological understanding about the emotional inconsistencies during pregnancy and motherhood. Considering that the emotion reveals a series of behaviors and attitudes, it is important to try to understand how these factors affect the mother-infant relationship. The gestation period is responsible for several significant changes in the female universe, and the meaning which can be seen nowadays is different from the symbol it used to receive in the last centuries. Being a mother today has been linked to a variety of responsibilities, since the woman has undergone a process of independence, and she can now choose whether she wants to be a mother, or not, taking into consideration her insertion and stable permanence in the labor market. It is proposed the demonstration of the importance of knowledge directed to the primary relationships, since they are mediated by the behaviors of new individuals. We also emphasize aspects of women and the new conception of being pregnant, including the emotions during pregnancy and the mother - infant relationship. This study may help future researches, who are worried about the psychological support in the pregnancy and during the first years of the babies. It is also important for the professionals who work in the health area and want to understand more about the subjects of this relationship.

Author Biographies

Albano Goes Souza, Universidade Tiradentes

BOLSISTA PROCAPS/UNIT/FAPITEC.   Mestrando em Educação (UNIT), Graduado em Pedagogia (UNIABC). Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Tiradentes (PPED-UNIT). Aracaju, Sergipe, albano.goes@hotmail.com

Edson Victor Lima Mendonça, Universidade Tiradentes

BOLSISTA/UNIT/FAPITEC.Graduando em   Comunicação   Social :  Jornalismo   da   Universidade   Tiradentes (UNIT), Aracaju, Sergipe, edsonvict0r@hotmail.com.

Ronaldo Nunes Linhares, Universidade Tiradentes

COORDENADOR. Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação (ECA/USP), Mestrado em Educação (UFS), Graduado em História (UFS).  . Docente do  Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade Tiradentes (PPED-UNIT). Aracaju, Sergipe, ronaldo_linhares@unit.br

How to Cite

Souza, A. G., Mendonça, E. V. L., & Linhares, R. N. (2012). A brief psychological understanding on the emotional inconsistencies in the pregnancy and motherhood. Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 1(1), 09–20. https://doi.org/10.17564/2316-3828.2012v1n1p09-20