Interactions and playing in and with nature: building unbridled childhood in daycare
Building an unpaired childhood na creche
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Abstract: This article presents the results of a master's research in education, which aimed to understand how “childhood disengagement” has been built in a daycare center in the Municipal Education Network of São Caetano do Sul. Part of understanding preference and enchantment of children through external spaces in the midst of nature for their playful experiences in the day-to-day care of the daycare center, demonstrating their dissatisfaction with the rigid routines and closed environments of educational institutions. This is a case study, which had the following procedures for data collection: semi-structured interview with the daycare teachers and managers; analysis of the Municipal Curriculum of São Caetano do Sul and the Political Pedagogical Project of the daycare center; and the Pedagogical Documentation of the teacher-researcher. The theoretical framework dialogued with the studies of childhood sociology, childhood pedagogy and legislation related to early childhood education. The analysis of the data revealed that the interviewees recognize the children's preferences for outdoor spaces in the middle of nature, however they feel insecure and before the possibility of children getting hurt or falling ill due to rain showers and cold weather. Other aspects that distance the child from nature, refer to the “dirtiness”, inflexible schedules of the routine, and the difficulty in controlling the discipline of the children in the external environments. However, despite the difficulties, some teachers have been providing playful contexts in nature, which demonstrates the construction of childhood disengagement in daycare.