
  • Juselice Alves Araújo de Alencar Universidade Federal de Sergipe
  • Joaquim Tavares Conceição Professor da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Colégio de Aplicação / PPGED/ Profhistória)




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This article addresses medical-hygienic prescriptions for the daily life of women, using as main sources medical theses defended at the Bahia's School of Medicine, in the 19th century, located in the Gonçalo Moniz Library, Bahia's School of Medicine (Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia), in Salvador/BA. It is recurrent in the issues addressed in the analyzed medical theses the discourse around women education, with several themes that focus on hygiene rules for the body and prescriptions regarding the behavior to be followed by women in the domestic and public spaces. Among these prescriptions, the doctors pointed to marriage as a prophylactic measure for the ills of women's health and indicated the ideal age for girls, young ladies, and women to get married. Medicine constructed a discourse on women education, considering marriage as a preventive/curative measure for women in order to avoid certain illnesses. The medical-hygienic discourses around hygienic prescriptions for women's marriage stemmed from the influence of Catholic morality and the dominance of patriarchy and resulted in violence and male domination, with negative repercussions that can be evidenced in the present time.

Author Biographies

Juselice Alves Araújo de Alencar, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

Master in History of Education from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS/PPED). Degree in Pedagogy -Faculty Pio Décimo/SE Educational Advisor- Faculty Pio Décimo/SE. Postgraduate in Educational Planning -UNIVERSO- Salgado de Oliveira University-RJ. Bachelor of Social Sciences/ULBRA-Lutherana University of Brazil/RS. Bachelor of Theology/UCSAL-Catholic University of Salvador/BA. Postgraduate in Psychology and Transpersonal Psychotherapy - Instituto de Educação Superior Unyahna/BA. She acted as Coordinator of the Pedagogy course at Faculdades Integradas de Sergipe.- FISE from 2017 to 2020. She served as a teacher of Elementary and High School in the State Teaching/SE network. Municipal Secretary of Education in 2004 and 2009 in the municipality of Tobias Barreto/SE. She coordinated several programs as a pedagogical technician at SME-Tobias Barreto / SE, such as: More Culture, PAR (Articulated Action Plan), More Education, More Literacy, PME (Municipal Education Plan). He served as President of the CME- Municipal Council of Education of Tobias Barreto/SE. Acts as Municipal Articulator of BNCC/Curriculum Sergipano in Tobias Barreto/SE She is pedagogical advisor for Elementary and High School at Monsenhor José de Souza Santos School of Basic Education/Tobias Barreto/SE. She acted as Tutor of the History Course, in the distance modality of UNIT- Tiradentes University. She currently works as a Trainer at BNCC/Sergipano Curriculum for the Early Years of Elementary School-Tobias Barreto/SE. Member of the Study and Research Group in History of Education: Memories, Subjects, Knowledge and Educational Practices- (Gephed/CNPQ/UFS .

Joaquim Tavares Conceição, Professor da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Colégio de Aplicação / PPGED/ Profhistória)

Doutor em História (2012) pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal da Bahia, Mestre em Educação (2007) e Graduado em História (1993) pela Universidade Federal de Sergipe. Professor efetivo da Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Colégio de Aplicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da UFS -  Mestrado e Doutorado e do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de História), líder do GEPHED: GRUPO DE ESTUDOS E PESQUISAS EM HISTÓRIA DA EDUCAÇÃO: Memórias, sujeitos, saberes e práticas educativas e coordenador do CEMDAP: Centro de Pesquisa Documentação e Memória do Colégio de Aplicação.

How to Cite

Alves Araújo de Alencar, J., & Conceição, J. T. (2022). MEDICAL PRESCRIPTIONS FOR WOMEN’S SOCIAL LIFE: MARRIAGE AS A HYGIENIC MEASURE (19TH CENTURY). Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 11(2), 69–81.