The foundation historiography of the medicine college of Sergipe: what is inside the sources
Antonio Garcia Filho, Education, Medical College of Sergipe, IntellectualPublished
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Investigators and historians of education have broadened their gaze on the need to study educational institutions, dipping into their inner universe. In this sense, this paper aims to uncover, historically, the foundation and establishment of the Medicine College of Sergipe, which, through its founding in 1960, by the doctor, politician and professor Antonio Garcia Filho, led to the installation of the Federal University of Sergipe. Relying on archival and literature research, it was presented the historical context of higher education in Sergipe and the operational and political difficulties of the period in which Garcia Filho founded the Medical College of Sergipe. He became an educational collaborator, acting as one of the most important people who formed intellectuals in Sergipe and contributing to the history of education in Sergipe. Based on the concepts of the French intellectual Jean Francois Sirinelli (1996), it was possible to notice that, through the Medicine College of Sergipe, Garcia Filho played an important role in the education of the State, besides achieving a major goal pursued by the medical group of Sergipe, the necessity to train physicians to assist the unattended popular class of the state.