Development of a sustainable cocoa culture based on its waste recovery



  • Astria Dias Ferrão-Gonzales Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências Salvador-BA
  • Arabella Varjão Damaceno Vital Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências de Itabuna, Itabuna – Bahia
  • Jamille Macedo Lima Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências Salvador-BA
  • Mônica Bomfim Silva Rodrigues Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências Salvador-BA


Cocoa, Biotechnology, Residues




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The Theobroma cacao L. called cacao is a plant of economic importance and cultural mainly to the south of Bahia, known as "Cocoa Region", which produces cocoa, raw material for the manufacture of chocolate. The decline in cocoa production, mainly due to the "witches’ broom", resulted in regional changes in social and economic aspects. With the emergence of new technologies, changes in the production and marketing of cocoa, this study aims to evaluate new perspectives for the use of all cocoas in a sustainable manner, including the use of waste in the bioenergy field, since the history of southern Bahia remains linked to cocoa culture. The husk of cocoa can be applied in the production of biofertilizer, biogas, microbial enzymes with biotechnological segments, briquettes, among others. The research was conducted primarily through literature review and secondary data from research bodies linked to cocoa.

Author Biography

Astria Dias Ferrão-Gonzales, Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências Salvador-BA

Coordenadora do Mestrado Profissional em Bioenergia

Docente Permanente do Mestrado Profissional em Bioenergia

Gerente de Pesquisa,  Pós-Graduação e Extensão (PPGEx) da Rede FTC- IMES

How to Cite

Ferrão-Gonzales, A. D., Vital, A. V. D., Lima, J. M., & Rodrigues, M. B. S. (2013). Development of a sustainable cocoa culture based on its waste recovery. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 1(2), 41–52.