Adverse reactions caused by Antiparkinsonians



  • Mariana Aparecida Lopes
  • Érica Mayumi Tanaka
  • Paula Nishiyama


Drug toxicity, Parkinson Disease, Exceptional Drugs




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Parkinson disease (PD) usually affects the elderly population who mostly has multiple health problems and makes use of many drugs, so there is a high probability of occurrence of adverse events. This study aims to identify and characterize the medication which is used and the adverse reactions which are presented by patients who suffer from this disease, and who are assisted by the Exceptional Drug Program (EDP) in the 15th Regional Health of Paraná. The study was conducted between August 2008 and July 2009. The archives of EDP were used to identify patients with PD. Home visits were conducted to collect data. Of the 28 interviewed patients, 19 (67.9%) were men and nine (32.1%) were women. The average age of patients was 64.9 years old, 21,43% of patients make use of levodopa / benserasida associated with pramipexole. 17.86% of the patients used pramipexole, and that was the second most used treatment. Of the 28 patients who were interviewed, 16 (57.15%) have or have had some adverse reaction. 14 forms of adverse reactions have been reported, and the most frequent ones were dry mouth (6 cases - 17.65%), orthostatic hypotension (5 cases - 14.70%) and epigastric pain (4 cases - 11.76%). Through the collected data it is observed that most patients make use of several drugs and great part of them have or have had adverse drug reactions, showing that these patients need a careful orientation so that, in spite of the difficulties, they can continue with the treatment.

How to Cite

Lopes, M. A., Tanaka, Érica M., & Nishiyama, P. (2012). Adverse reactions caused by Antiparkinsonians. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 1(1), 73–81.