Profile of consumers and their perception of bread containing ora-pro-nobis flour and probiotic bacteria



  • Déborah Tavares Alves
  • André Narvaes da Rocha Campos
  • Maurilio Lopes Martins
  • Simone Vilela Talma
  • Isabela Campelo de Queiroz
  • Bruno Ricardo de Castro Leite Júnior
  • Eliane Mauricio Furtado Martins Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sudeste de Minas Gerais, campus Rio Pomba. Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos




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Consumers are increasingly looking for healthier bakery products, rich in fiber and natural ingredients, and as a result, the industry is investing in products to meet this demand. The aim of this study was to evaluate the profile and perception of consumers about bread, probiotics and ora-pro-nobis, in addition to the intention to purchase bread with ora-pro-nobis flour and probiotic bacteria through an online questionnaire, containing 27 questions. 327 responses were obtained from participants of both sexes, over 18 years old. It was found that 99% of potential consumers are interested in healthy products. Women, to the detriment of men, seek differentiated bakery products and added natural and functional ingredients. Women between 18 and 34 years old were more interested in products that offer health, weight control and natural ingredients, while women over 35 years old were more concerned with price and sensory appeal. The word cloud showed that the most common cardiovascular disease among participants was hypertension. The male audience is the largest consumer of French bread (53.9%), unlike women. The health, natural content and weight loss aspects were the most decisive for consumers, especially for women, when choosing the product. The breads added with ora-pro-nobis flour and probiotic bacteria meet the main consumption trends of the public looking for more functional foods. The female audience was the most interested in ora-pro-nobis and probiotics, pointing to a niche of potential consumers of the product.

How to Cite

Tavares Alves, D., Narvaes da Rocha Campos, A. ., Lopes Martins, M. ., Vilela Talma, S., Campelo de Queiroz, I., Ricardo de Castro Leite Júnior, B. ., & Mauricio Furtado Martins, E. (2024). Profile of consumers and their perception of bread containing ora-pro-nobis flour and probiotic bacteria. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 9(3), 138–154.