Relationships between income, occupation and psychosocial health of transgender people during the COVID-19 pandemic



  • Ísis Gois Programa de Pós-graduação em Endocrinologia e Metabologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina da Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Magnus R. Dias da Silva Programa de Pós-graduação em Endocrinologia e Metabologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Rodrigo Matias Oliva Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp, Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo
  • Sophia La Blanca
  • Denise Leite Vieira Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp, Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo




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The COVID-19 Pandemic has widened several social inequalities, mainly in social groups that multiply vulnerable, such as the Brazilian trans and transvestite population. We aim to analyze the psychosocial and income aspects of trans people during the COVID-19 pandemic. We conduct a cross-sectional study through interviews with trans people from an outpatient clinic. Ninety-two people agreed to participate in the survey, 43 men, followed by 34 women, five non-binary people, and two travestis. Among these, 54.4% were enrolled in the Cadastro Único, and 28.6% accessed Auxílio Emergencial during the pandemic. Trans men and non-binary people availed less of some benefit (p<0.001). Sex work was reported by 14.4% of people and was related to transfeminine gender identity (p=0.011), and sex workers were the most affected by the reduction in income (p=0.003). In addition, 51.7% of the participants reported signs and symptoms of anxiety, depression, and negative thoughts that correlated with income impairment (p=0.018). Therefore, we suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted income and that this was related to psychosocial conditions in trans and travestis.

Keywords: Transgender People; COVID-19 pandemic; Income; Psychosocial.

Biografias Autor

Magnus R. Dias da Silva, Programa de Pós-graduação em Endocrinologia e Metabologia da Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Médico Endocrinologista, Doutor em Endocrinologia Clínica pela EPM/UNIFESP, professor associado à EPM/UNIFESP e co-fundador do Núcleo TransUnifesp, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Rodrigo Matias Oliva, Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp, Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Psicólogo e voluntário no Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp,  Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Sophia La Blanca

Farmacêutica,, especialista em jornalismo científico pela UNICAMP, Mestra em Bioquímica pela USP e Doutora em Psicobiologia pela UNIFESP

Denise Leite Vieira, Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp, Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Psicóloga, especialista em Sexualidade Humana  pela FMUSP, Mestra em Clinical & Public Health Aspects Of Addiction pela University Of London, Doutora em Psiquiatria e Psicologia Médica e voluntária no Ambulatório do Núcleo TransUnifesp,  Hospital Universitário II, Universidade Federal de São Paulo.

Como Citar

Gois, Ísis, R. Dias da Silva, M. ., Matias Oliva, R. ., La Blanca, S., & Leite Vieira, D. (2023). Relationships between income, occupation and psychosocial health of transgender people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 9(2), 261–277.