Profile of the psychiatric care service conducted by the mobile emergency care, Aracaju, in the period january/2010 february/2011



  • Manuela de Carvalho Vieira Martins Universidade Tiradentes
  • Vanessa Tavares de Gois Santos
  • Lidiane Vieira Barbosa
  • Cintia Regina Guerra Corrêa
  • Simone Alves Garcez Guedes


Emergency Medical Services, Psychiatry, Emergency Medicine




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The National Emergency Policy guarantees that the urgent medical, surgical, gynecological, obstetric, psychiatric, and pediatric situations, as well as other ones related to external causes may be assisted. SAMU-192, which was established by Decree 1.864/03, is the department which is responsible for answering all urgent calls concerning the health care of the population. The psychiatric crisis is seen as an emergency, since the user needs quick service in order to avoid that this person gets hurt or even hurts someone else. Because of this, the psychiatric care, performed by SAMU Aracaju, from January/2010 to February/2011 was characterized. The survey was conducted in the database of SAMU Aracaju. Regarding gender, it was found that 69% were male and the main occurrences were classified as "busy" (51%) and transfers (23%). The main destination of the patients was the Psychiatric Emergency of the city (59.3%). It can be concluded that the SAMU Aracaju is an important means to assist the psychiatric emergency, so it is important that managers constantly monitor these calls seeking intersectoral planning that may contribute to the optimization of all health services and therefore generate good health care to the entire population.

How to Cite

Martins, M. de C. V., Santos, V. T. de G., Barbosa, L. V., Corrêa, C. R. G., & Guedes, S. A. G. (2012). Profile of the psychiatric care service conducted by the mobile emergency care, Aracaju, in the period january/2010 february/2011. Interfaces Científicas - Saúde E Ambiente, 1(1), 31–39.