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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

The submission rules are basic requirements for acceptance works to be published in any Periodic of this platform. The authors must have to observe the structure requirements, formatting, citations and references.

The original works have to be in Portuguese, English or Spanish, and must to be unpublished and be submitted exclusively to Portal de Periódicos da Sociedade de Educação Tiradentes, it is not allowed its simultaneous presentation to other periodic, including the text, figures or charts, fully or partially, except for abstracts or preliminary reports published in Proceedings of Scientific Meetings.

Online Articles Submission

The articles have to be submitted, exclusively electronically by means of Portal de Periódicos da Sociedade de Educação Tiradentes. Available in:

Articles sent by email will not be considered

Every editorial rights are reserved to Portal de Periódicos SET publication, none publication part can be reproduced, saved by any system or transmitted by any ways that could be created, without Editorial Commission writing prior permission, or without reference credit, according to current Brazilian Copyright Laws.

In researches that involve human, the authors have to send a copy of the approbation emitted by Ethics Committee, recognized by Comissão Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP), following the National Health Council - (In Portuguese CNS) 196/96 standards or equivalent organ in research country of origin.

Accepted Manuscript Categories

Original article: Research work with inedited results and add value to the publication. Limitted with at least eight pages and at most 15 pages. Its structured must have contains:

  • Introduction:It have to be brief, defines the studied problem, highlighting its importance and the knowledge gaps. NBR 6022:2003
  • Methods: The used methods, the studied population, the data source and the selection criteria must be described completely and objectively. Insert the number of the protocol of the Ethics Committee in Research approval and inform that the research was conducted according to required ethics standards.
  • Results: They have to be presented clearly and objectively, describing only found data with interpretation or comments. To make the comprehension easier, the results can content charts and figures. The text must to complement, not repeat what is described in illustrations.
  • Discussion: It must restrict to obtain data and achieve results, emphasizing the important and new observed aspects in the study and discussing the concordances and divergences with others published researches.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion have to correspond to objectives or hypothesis of the study, reasoned in results and discussions, according with the title, proposition and method.
  • Theoretical Study: It must contains analysis of theoretical studies, leading to questioning existent models and to elaboration of hypothesis for future researches. It have to have no later than 15 pages. About 36.000 characters with spaces.

Form And Preparation Of Manuscripts

The texts sent in Portuguese must to be written according the New Orthographic Accord that came into force in 2009. A4 size, with 1,5cm space between lines, Arial Font, 12 size and the margins: Top and left 3cm; bottom and right margins 2cm. The submission file have to be in Microsoft Word format.

Page of Identification: It have to contains the article title (maximum of 16 words) in Portugues, English and Spanish; without abbreviations and acronyms; author name/authors names; indicating in the footer of the page the function of author/authors and which institution belong, titles and professional formation, address (city, state and country) for exchange of correspondence; including email address, institutional, preferably; and telephone number. If the article is based on thesis or dissertation, the author have to indicate the title, institution name and the defense year.

Citations NBR 10520:2002:

  • Author-date - In this system, the source indication is made: a) by surname of each author or by the name of each responsible entity until the first punctuation signal, followed by the publication date of document and the pages that were cited, in direct quote, separated by commons and between parentheses.
  • Footnotes – Footnotes should be avoided and used only when extremely necessary. They should be indicated by numerical order.
  • Depositions - Phrases or paragraphs said by subjects of research must to follow the same rule of citations, concerning to quotes and indent (4cm beyond the margins), using the author-date system.
  • Illustrations - The charts and figures must to have a brief title, they have to be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals, in the order that they were inserted in the text, being limited to five in the conjunct. Except the charts, all the illustrations should be designated as figures. The charts must to included only the most important data, avoiding very long tables, it have to follow the IBGE procedures. The explicative notes should be placed in the footnotes of tables, not in the header or title. When the chart or figure were extracted of other work, the original source must be mentioned.
  • Tables - In resolution superior than 300 dpi, colored and in digital format should be posted in the periodic portal as a complementary document. See: structure and rules.
  • Figures (photos, draws, charts etc) - Will be published without subjects identification, excepted for the figures with written permission to divulgation for scientific divulgation. The figures should not repeat data that were described in tables.

Appendices and Annexes - Should be avoided.

  • Acknowledgments - Contributions of people that collaborated intellectually to the the work, as scientific advice, critical research review, data collect and others, but not meet the requirements for participate of the authorship. It should be in the "acknowledgments", in the end of the work, as long as there is expressed permission of named people. May also be mentioned the institutions that supported, gave technical support the research and other aids.

    • Erratum: After the article publish, if the authors identify the need of erratum, they should send it to the Periodic Editor, by email.

      Abstract: Should be presented in Portuguese (resumo), English (abstract) and Spanish (resumen), with up to 250 words, showing the research objective, method, results and conclusions, based on NBR 6028 Norm.

      Keywords: The keywords have to be indicate between three and six keywords that allow to identify the work subject, with the language of abstracts: Portuguese (Descritores), English (Keywords), Spanish (Descriptores) and Franch (Mots-Clés), extracted from the adopted vocabulary. In the keywords of Health Sciences, the author must to use the DeCS (Keywords in Health Sciences), elaborated by BREME e/ou (MeSH), Medical SubjectHeadings, elaborated by NLM (National Library of Medicine).

      References: The references of printed and electronics documents should be standardized according to ABNT 6023/2002 Norm and for Health Field. It is recommended that the number of references do not exceeds 20. It is suggests to include the references that are pertinent to the problematic addressed and avoid the inclusion of excessive number of references in the same citation. The references accuracy is responsibility of the authors.


      ABNT. NBR 6022: Information and documentation – article in printed scientific periodical publication – Presentation. Rio de Janeiro, 2003.

      ABNT. NBR 6023: Information and documentation (References - Elaboration)

      ABNT. NBR 6028: Abstracts. Rio de Janeiro, 1990.

      ABNT. NBR 14724: Information and documentation – academic works – presentation. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.(pre-textual information, textual information and post-textual information)

      ABNT. NBR 10520: Information and documentation – citation in documents – presentation. Rio de Janeiro, 2002.

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      The names and address informed in this Periodic will be exclusively used for the services provided by that publication, not been available for other purposes or other people.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.