Interactions between educational agents and children with autism during the remote application of DMTS tasks


  • Isabela de Oliveira Teixeira Censupeg
  • Priscila Benitez Universidade Federal do ABC
  • Lidia Maria Marson Postalli Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Mariana Pita Batista HCFMUSP
  • Diogo Fernando Trevisan
  • João Paulo Gois Universidade Federal do ABC



The study aimed to identify the typical daily interactions between educational agents and students during the application of the tasks and to verify the feasibility of the application by the agents, based on the Artificial Intelligence-Based Teaching System and ABA-SEIA. Three students with autism aged between three and seven years, and their respective educational agents participated. The procedure consisted of selection tasks using the delayed matching to sample procedure (DMTS) with each set of stimuli (non-social, social and family members) with delays of 0, 4 and 8 seconds. The results showed that, in general, the educational agents provided prompts during the task. Being that the types of prompts are verbal and gestural, and for some students there was no presentation of prompts. The data suggest that the interventions of the educational agents seem to be relevant to the performance of the students in this type of task.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Teixeira, I., Benitez, P., Marson Postalli, L. M., Pita Batista, M., Fernando Trevisan, D., & Gois, J. P. (2024). Interactions between educational agents and children with autism during the remote application of DMTS tasks. Interfaces Científicas - Humanas E Sociais, 12(2), 327–340.