Profile epidemiologist of the born livings creature in the city of Aracaju - Sergipe, Brazil


  • Juciele Valéria Ribeiro de Oliveira Universidade Tiradentes
  • Eloisa Oliveira Cravo


Been born livings creature, System of Information, maternal-infantile Health


The System of Information on Nascidos Vivos (SINASC) was implanted by the Health department having aimed at the systematic register of information on the births livings creature Objective: To characterize the profile of the born resident livings creature in the city of Aracaju/IF in the year of 2010, from the data gotten in the System of Information on Been born Livings creature. Methodology: One is to a transversal study, carried through quantitative boarding with data of the SINASC of the city of Aracaju in the year of 2010. The 0 variable had been analyzed: of occurrence just-born escolaridade and age, and, place sex weight, been civil of the mother; duration of the gestation, type of childbirth and number of consultations of prenatal. Result: With regard to the characteristics of the childbirth, 99.51% of the childbirths had occurred in hospitals. The profile of the born livings creature showed 51.31% of the masculine sex, with a small percentage of low weight (8.33%) and prematurity (7.49%). With regard to the mother, we observe that the majority is between 20 and 34 years (72.14%) and 15.47% of adolescents, are single (70.38%) and with more than 8 years of study (70.77%). In relation to the perinatais characteristics the vaginal childbirth represents 52.15% and 57% had carried through seven consultations more or. Conclusions: The data had possessed a small percentage of ignored data, being the SINASC an important instrument for an evaluation of the reality epidemiologist of the servile city and as a strategy for the planning of action effective in the scope of the public health come back the maternal-infantile assistance.


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How to Cite

Ribeiro de Oliveira, J. V., & Cravo, E. O. (2012). Profile epidemiologist of the born livings creature in the city of Aracaju - Sergipe, Brazil. Ideias E Inovação - Lato Sensu, 1(1), 09–17. Retrieved from


