CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER: Analysis of the interdependence between the use of free time and burnout in nursing technicians - study case in a private hospital


  • katia andrade biehl ISEI
  • Antônio Ricardo Dias Fagan FEEVALE, Mestrando em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social -
  • Roberta Paula Schell Coelho PUC RS
  • Marina Andrade Biehl Universidade Luterana do Brasil
  • Luisa Andrade Biehl Faculdade São Luís



cuidador, burnout, tempo livre.


We verified in this research the relation between the free time activities and determinate feelings of burnout in a sample of 20 nursing techniques from a private hospital in RS (Rio Grande do Sul). The socio demographic questions served as dependent variables from chronicle stress and the use of free time as health promoter and resilience of the stressed people. We exalted some questions related to the value and the meaning of professional activity to evaluate the resistance to the syndrome. The survey data happened through a semi-structured test question organized from a theoretical review, where we got correlations among hypothesis and socio demographic variety through software IBM SPSS STATISTICS BASE 22.0. As results we found out those professionals with many jobs, tired and low-paid, but in a very higher resilience state that we thought we would encounter. We ratified the dimensions of Dumazedier (2008) and Donnell (2013) about free time, looking for psychosocial balance protecting from burnout.


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Author Biographies

katia andrade biehl, ISEI

ISEI – Instituto de Educação Doutora em Psicologia, PUCRS., Mestre em Administração, Estudios avanzados em psicologia na Universidade Autônoma de Madrid , Psicóloga e Professora.

Antônio Ricardo Dias Fagan, FEEVALE, Mestrando em Diversidade Cultural e Inclusão Social -

Especialista em Medicina Interna UFRGS – Medico e vice-prefeito de Novo Hamburgo. Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

Roberta Paula Schell Coelho, PUC RS


Marina Andrade Biehl, Universidade Luterana do Brasil

Acadêmica do Curso de Medicina na Universidade Luterana
do Brasil, em Canoas/RS; Membro efetivo e secretária da Liga
de Pediatria Ulbra; Monitora de Semiologia Médica. 

Luisa Andrade Biehl, Faculdade São Luís

Especialização em Gestão Escolar - Orientação e
Supervisão (Faculdade São Luís, ANEAS), Pedagoga



How to Cite

biehl, katia andrade, Dias Fagan, A. R. ., Schell Coelho, R. P., Biehl, M. A. ., & Biehl, L. A. . (2021). CARING FOR THE CAREGIVER: Analysis of the interdependence between the use of free time and burnout in nursing technicians - study case in a private hospital. Interfaces Científicas - Humanas E Sociais, 9(2), 87–106.