Revising Frameworks for Developing Mobile Virtual Reality


  • Guillermo Rodriguez ISISTAN (UNICEN-CONICET) Research Institute
  • Fábio Gomes Rocha UNIT



Mobile devices, Frameworks, Virtual Reality, Literature Review, Mobile Virtual Reality.


The development of mobile virtual environments has been enabled by recent advances in hardware and software for mobile computing. This new trend has resulted from the convergence of wearable computing, wireless networking and mobile virtual reality interfaces. This work provides a survey of different mobile technologies that are useful to build virtual reality applications running through mobile devices. Our aim is to place those technologies into different categories so that it becomes easier to understand the state of art and to help identify new directions of research. A comparison of attributes of each technology is also summarized.


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Biografias Autor

Guillermo Rodriguez, ISISTAN (UNICEN-CONICET) Research Institute

Guillermo Rodríguez received the Ph.D. degree in computer science at the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN), Tandil, Argentina, in 2014. Since 2008, he has been part of ISISTAN Research Institute (CONICET - UNICEN). His research interests include software engineering, virtual reality and games for software engineering education, machine learning, service-oriented architectures, and micro-services. His main contributions have been published in IEEE Transactions on Education, Journal of Systems and Software, Information and Software Technology, Information System and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Fábio Gomes Rocha, UNIT

Fabio Gomes Rocha es profesor adjunto en la Universidad Tiradentes, bachiller en Sistemas de Información, Especialista en Ingeniería de Sistemas, Master en Ciencias de la Computación (UFS) y doctorando en Educación (Unidad), líder del GPITIC. Sus principales áreas de investigación son: Tecnología Educativa, Educación a distancia, metodologías de enseñanza, Ingeniería de software experimental, Desarrollo orientado a servicios y desarrollo distribuido de software.


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Como Citar

Rodriguez, G., & Gomes Rocha, F. (2018). Revising Frameworks for Developing Mobile Virtual Reality. Interfaces Científicas - Exatas E Tecnológicas, 3(2), 35–48.


