Epidemiological Profile of Adolescent Deaths for External Causes in Brazil


  • Joellyngton da Silva Pimentel Centro Universitário Tiradentes
  • Júlio Benisson da Conceição Santos
  • Wbiratan de Lima Souza
  • Giselle Mamede Ten´orio
  • Lays Nogueira Miranda


Objective: to analyze the epidemiological profile of deaths from external causes in adolescents in Brazil. Method: this is an ecological, exploratory study, in which data were collected through the Mortality Information System (SIM) of the Ministry of Health, using sociodemographic variables. Descriptive statistics were used, with absolute and relative frequencies, and bivariate analysis to verify the statistical association between variables. Data presentation was carried out with the aid of graphs, tables and choropleth map with epidemiological distribution. Results: regarding the analysis of the correlation between the socioeconomic data of the Brazilian states with the number of deaths from external causes that occurred in the period 2014 to 2019, this study identified a strong positive correlation between the variables population size and quantity of deaths in the period studied ( r = 0.823, p = 0.00), demonstrating that the number of deaths is sensitive to population size. Conclusion: this research showed that external causes are the main causes of mortality in adolescence, with male adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years old, of mixed race and with 4 to 7 years of schooling being the most affected. study, concentrating aggressions and traffic accidents as the main causes of death, this profile corroborates other studies, demonstrating that the  strategies are not yet efficient to change this profile.

Descriptors: Adolescent, Mortality Registries e External Causes.


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How to Cite

da Silva Pimentel, J., Benisson da Conceição Santos, J., de Lima Souza, W., Mamede Ten´orio, G., & Nogueira Miranda, L. (2021). Epidemiological Profile of Adolescent Deaths for External Causes in Brazil. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - ALAGOAS, 7(1), 226. Retrieved from https://periodicos.set.edu.br/cdgsaude/article/view/10249


