Public resources directed to hospital assistance to kill burns and corrosions in Alagoas


  • Carlos Rodrigo dos Santos Centro Universitário Tiradentes - UNIT/AL
  • Lázaro Heleno Santos de Oliveira Centro Universitário Tiradentes - UNIT/AL
  • Evylee Hadassa Barbosa Silva Centro Universitário Tiradentes - UNIT/AL
  • Joicielly Franca Bispo Centro Universitário Tiradentes - UNIT/AL
  • Thays Fernanda Costa Silver Centro Universitário Tiradentes - UNIT/AL


Objectives: The present analysis aims to investigate the directing of public resources to hospital care for burn and corrosion victims in Alagoas, Brazil. Methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study, with a quantitative approach, carried out in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. Data collection took place from the analysis of the IT department of the Brazilian Unified Health System (DATASUS). From this, the analyzed data were comprised between the period of August 2016 to August 2020. The research was carried out between the months of October and November 2020. After collecting the information, basic descriptive statistics were performed to systematize the data. Results: It was evidenced that the public resources sent to the treatment of individuals affected by burns and / or corrosions in the state of Alagoas, totaled R$: 1,900,808.75. The year 2020 showed the lowest expenditure of public treasures with the value of R$: 187,192.47. However, in 2017, the largest investment of the period analyzed was reported at R$: 528,358.53 directed at assisting victims of the problem in question. Conclusion: In view of the exposed data, it is possible to suggest that the state made resources available mainly for elements that were directly related to hospital care in facing the problem.


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How to Cite

Rodrigo dos Santos, C., Heleno Santos de Oliveira, L., Hadassa Barbosa Silva, E., Franca Bispo, J., & Fernanda Costa Silver, T. (2021). Public resources directed to hospital assistance to kill burns and corrosions in Alagoas. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - ALAGOAS, 7(1), 218. Retrieved from


