Environmental impacts caused by oil drilling
Environmental Impacts, Oil Drilling, Environmental ManagementAbstract
This paper presents a reflection on the drilling of oil and its impacts on society. The study assumes that the technological advancement of science and look back to the environment reinforce the concerns as they relate to environmental issues, confirming to some extent, the doomsday predictions of several studies that point to the environmental degradation, caused by a number of industrial activities and technologies. In the specific case of oil drilling are several studies that indicate the occurrence of environmental impacts resulting from this economic activity. That said, it is intended in this study respond to the objective set by a theoretical analysis, focusing on rereading the works, articles and periodicals dealing with the issue, with emphasis on digital databases. Indeed, the study revealed that revealed that economic development through the drilling of oil, should be guided by a policy of sustainability, integrating organizational processes and values of consumer awareness focused on the model of sustainability. Thus, the exploitation of oil should be considered in environmental management, contributing to sustainable development.
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