Evidence and perspectives: the production science university within the warning pharmaceutical


  • Cleverton Santos Universidade Tiradentes
  • Priscila Souza de Sena Rios Universidade Tiradentes
  • Marcos Cardoso Rios Universidade Tiradentes


Pharmaceutical care, Academic studies, Pharmacotherapeutic problems


Numerous obstacles was built in front of the class pharmaceutical walk this way to their reunion as a health professional. Although it must meet the regulations of the curriculum, the universities are the driving force that drive the pharmaceutical sciences. This study aimed to evaluate the practice of pharmaceutical care studies portrayed by students of pharmacy, University, inferring their scientific contribution to the development and recognition of the practice and reorientation of the profession in the state of Sergipe. To meet the overall goal, we chose the method of integrative review. We selected monographs and articles that addressed the theme pharmaceutical care and its pillars of the structure, process and outcome according to the Brazilian Consensus on Pharmaceutical Care and archived in the library. The analyzed studies bring evidence-based literature reviews and even in allopathic and homeopathic medicines, discussed national and international level. Since the academic studies are able to identify problems associated with drugs and design strategies for its resolution, in addition to value work / profession, we suggest that these studies continue to show the reality of local / regional, but also can be developed in work areas problems identified.


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Author Biographies

Cleverton Santos, Universidade Tiradentes

Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Curso de Farmácia

Priscila Souza de Sena Rios, Universidade Tiradentes

Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Curso de Farmácia

Marcos Cardoso Rios, Universidade Tiradentes

Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saúde, Curso de Farmácia



How to Cite

Santos, C., Rios, P. S. de S., & Rios, M. C. (2012). Evidence and perspectives: the production science university within the warning pharmaceutical. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - SERGIPE, 1(1), 75–88. Retrieved from https://periodicos.set.edu.br/cadernobiologicas/article/view/314


