Evaluation of knowledge of basic nutrition and sports physical education teachers in an academy of Aracaju/SE
Knowledge, Basic nutrition, Sports nutrition, Physical trainer, GymAbstract
This article is about the level of knowledge about basic nutrition and sports presented by trained physical education teachers who work in a gym in the city of Aracaju / SE. The knowledge of nutrition for this population is vital, since that deals daily with students, who perform several questions on the subject, the teacher being a source of information. Accordingly, this study aims to: a) identify the level of information about good nutritional guidelines that professional bodybuilding show, b) compare the type of information used and the benefits from these and c) what are the aspects relating fundamental for this sample space. The methodology used was cross-sectional, with data collected from the questionnaires. In analyzing the data, despite great success in some specific questions about sports nutrition professionals had limited knowledge about nutrition in general, demonstrating the importance of public intervention in order to encourage and share their knowledge in a more direct, and that performed by nutritionists or even other health professionals who can master the subject.Downloads
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How to Cite
Silveira, C. S. da, Melo, D. B. de, Tonhá, S. Q., & Correia, M. das G. da S. (2012). Evaluation of knowledge of basic nutrition and sports physical education teachers in an academy of Aracaju/SE. Caderno De Graduação - Ciências Biológicas E Da Saúde - UNIT - SERGIPE, 1(1), 65–74. Retrieved from https://periodicos.set.edu.br/cadernobiologicas/article/view/295
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