Factors that interfere in women's self-esteem during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle
Introduction: The pregnancy-puerperal cycle is the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the
46th day of puerperium. It is a physiological cycle that generates biopsychosocial and socioeconomic
changes in the life of the woman inserted at that moment, which impacts on her self-esteem and
reflects on the form of self-acceptance. Objective: To identify the factors that interfere with women's
self-esteem during the pregnancy-puerperal cycle. Methodology: This is an integrative review, based
on the guiding question "What are the factors that interfere with women's self-esteem during the
pregnancy-puerperal cycle?". The following databases were used: BVS and PUBMED, using the
descriptors: self-image, pregnancy and postpartum period. The search was carried out in September
2022, and included articles published between 2018 and 2022 in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
Results: The final sample of this review consisted of sixteen scientific articles, which demonstrate that
biopsychosocial, aesthetic and socioeconomic aspects influence the perception of self-image and
impact on women's self-esteem. Conclusion: It can be observed that most of the factors are aesthetic
and external. Thus, a more empathetic look at the woman at this time of the pregnancy-puerperal
cycle is necessary, concomitant with the need for help and acceptance in this new phase.
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